Our Lady of Sorrows Feast Day Mass Sign-Up Sheet and Card Order Form

Pilgrims of Hope Are We! Thank you for joining us in honoring Our Lady of Sorrows on her Feast Day, September 15, 2025--and for supporting mourners--with a Mass that day in your area for the intention of "Those who need consoling." Please let us know how many of our FREE Our Lady of Sorrows Devotion cards you'd like to hand out at the Mass. If you have any questions, please contact Diane at [email protected] or 800-919-9332.


Please tell us your name and at what church and time you have arranged for the Feast Day Mass.
Your Name(Required)
Church Location(Required)
Would you like to distribute Seven Sorrows Devotion Cards at the Mass?(Required)
Our Lady revealed her Seven Sorrows Devotion to St. Bridget of Sweden. Would you like to distribute Seven Sorrows Devotion Cards (provided by us at no cost to you) at your Mass?
If Yes, What is Your Address?
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