Saturday Emmaus Remote Retreats
Jun 13 2020 9:30AM to 10:00 AM
Remote Retreats
“He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain.” (Revelation 21: 4)
Just when you think that nothing in your life could be worse than the loss of your precious child, you are confronted with this weird new reality of living in a world where everything else you hold dear has been deeply affected or changed in some way by this pandemic.
Nothing can ever approach the pain of losing your child, but this situation is certainly challenging on so many different levels.
Because of the need for “social distancing,” several of our upcoming retreats have been postponed to unknown dates in the future. However, undeterred, we are still able to connect as a spiritual community, if you would like.
Please join us as we come together remotely via email—all at the same time on Saturdays at 9:30 am in Emmaus Ministry solidarity—for prayer, consolation and spiritual community during these challenging times. We won’t be able to actually see or hear each other, but we will all be together spiritually for a different retreat each week. You may experience this retreat privately or invite others to join you in prayer.
The power of all of us praying together at the same time via email all over the United States for ourselves, for each other, and for everyone affected by the corona virus will be palpable. The electricity of our prayers will travel far and wide and rise to heaven to Our Heavenly Father and to our children. We will be using familiar Emmaus retreat music and prayers.
Please Join Us!
Emmaus Ministry Remote Retreats
Saturdays 9:30am-10:00am EDT
Beginning March 28, 2020-Ending when we are once again able to gather physically.
How It Works: On Friday of each week, we will email you your “Emmaus Ministry Remote Retreat Guide” for that week.
Just open your email and join us in prayer.
We will also provide links to other reflections and resources that you can use before or after retreats.
(If you have any that you would like to share with other Emmaus parents, please email [email protected].)
Social distancing does not mean social isolation.
We can come together, even more often and more closely, during these uncertain times.
If you are not already on our distribution list, please send your email address
to [email protected] so you can receive the Remote Retreat Guide each week.
Or check back to this website to pray it after the fact.
To access past Emmaus Ministry Remote Retreats, see here.