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Thank you for your interest in and support of the Emmaus Ministry for Grieving Parents (“Emmaus Ministry”) and in conducting spiritual retreats for grieving parents. Emmaus Ministry has developed the Emmaus Ministry Retreat Team Guidebook (“Guidebook”) and related workbook (“Workbook”) for use in such spiritual retreats and is willing to make such materials available to you subject to the following conditions.
Upon receipt of a signed copy of this agreement and twenty dollars ($20.00), plus shipping and handling, for each printed copy of Guidebook you order, we will ship the Guidebook(s) to you. Upon purchase of at least one printed copy of the Guidebook, the Emmaus Ministry shall grant you a non-exclusive, royalty free, limited, revocable license to copy and use the Guidebook in both printed and electronic form and to access and use the electronic Workbook solely in connection with providing spiritual retreats for grieving parents. Such license to the Guidebook and Workbook shall continue for as long as you offer such retreats to serve the spiritual needs of (a) all parents, (b) of all religions, (c) whose children of any age have died by any cause, and (d) no matter when such death occurred. In addition, such licenses shall terminate if you have not conducted at least one full-day spiritual retreat over any one-year period or if you fail to adhere strictly to the Emmaus Ministry for Grieving Parents' Mission and Core Values, as shown via this link: https://www.emfgp.org/emmaus-ministry-mission-and-core-values/
Should you fail to comply with any of the conditions set forth above, your license to the Guidebook and Workbook shall immediately terminate and all copies of the Guidebook you made shall be destroyed. The password will be used by you alone and not shared. Each person using these materials must first sign this agreement before being given access.
Please indicate your acceptance of these terms by signing a copy of this agreement and returning it to us.
Sincerely, Diane Monaghan